
Custom Theme

To generate a set of colors in the shed style, you can use this Sass mixin, which can be found in the core.


@import "shed-css/lib/generate-theme.scss";

$natural-black: #111111;
$darker-gray: #333333;
$dark-gray: #666666;
$gray: #999999;
$light-gray: #CCCCCC;
$lighter-gray: #F3F3F3;
$white: #FFFFFF;
$ted-red: #E62B1E;

// expects a map of colors like this:
$my_colors: (
	black: $natural-black,
	gray-dd: $darker-gray,
	gray-d: $dark-gray,
	gray: $gray,
	gray-l: $light-gray,
	gray-ll: $lighter-gray,
	white: $white,
	red: $ted-red

// expects a map of breakpoints like this:
$my_breakpoints: (
	n: 'none',
	xs: "min-width: 500px",
	sm: "min-width: 700px",
	md: "min-width: 900px",
	lg: "min-width: 1100px",
	xl: "min-width: 1300px"

// execute the mixin outside of a selector
@include generate-theme($my_breakpoints, $my_colors);


While there's no convenice for creating themes, you can use this code along with the necessary postcss plugins to generate your own theme:

:root {
	--black: #111111;
	--gray-dd: #333333;
	--gray-d: #666666;
	--gray: #999999;
	--gray-l: #CCCCCC;
	--gray-ll: #F3F3F3;
	--white: #FFFFFF;
	--red: #E62B1E;
	--black-g: linear-gradient(to bottom, var(--gray-dd), var(--black));
	--gray-d-g: linear-gradient(to bottom, var(--gray-d), var(--gray-dd));

@custom-media --mq-xs (min-width: 24em);
@custom-media --mq-sm (min-width: 30em);
@custom-media --mq-md (min-width: 40em);
@custom-media --mq-lg (min-width: 48em);
@custom-media --mq-xl (min-width: 54em);

@each $mq in n, xs, sm, md, lg, xl {
	@if $mq == n {
		@each $color in black, gray-dd, gray-d, gray, gray-l, gray-ll, white, red, black-g, gray-d-g {
			.c\:$color {
				color: var(--$color);

			.bg-c\:$color {
				background: var(--$color);


			.hover\/c\:$color:hover {
				color: var(--$color);

			.hover\/bg-c\:$color:hover {
				background: var(--$color);

			@for $i from 1 to 9 {
				.bg\:$color\.$i {
					background-color: color(var(--$color) alpha(calc($i / 10)));

				.c\:$color\.$i {
					color: color(var(--$color) alpha(calc($i / 10)));

				.hover\/bg\:$color\.$i:hover {
					background-color: color(var(--$color) alpha(calc($i / 10)));

				.hover\/c\:$color\.$i:hover {
					color: color(var(--$color) alpha(calc($i / 10)));
	@else {
		@media(--mq-$mq) {
			@each $color in black, gray-dd, gray-d, gray, gray-l, gray-ll, white, red, black-g, gray-d-g {
				.c\:$color\@$mq {
					color: var(--$color);

				.bg-c\:$color\@$mq {
					background: var(--$color);

				.hover\/c\:$color\@$mq:hover {
					color: var(--$color);

				.hover\/bg-c\:$color\@$mq:hover {
					background: var(--$color);

				@for $i from 1 to 9 {
					.bg\:$color\.$i\@$mq {
						background-color: color(var(--$color) alpha(calc($i / 10)));

					.c\:$color\.$i\@$mq {
						color: color(var(--$color) alpha(calc($i / 10)));

					.hover\/bg\:$color\.$i\@$mq:hover {
						background-color: color(var(--$color) alpha(calc($i / 10)));

					.hover\/c\:$color\.$i\@$mq:hover {
						color: color(var(--$color) alpha(calc($i / 10)));

Essential Concepts


To eliminate distraction for developers and designers by creating a set of options rather than encouraging bikeshedding, where shed gets its name.



When classes serve a single purpose, the cascade becomes a non-issue. If I use the class bg:black, I can count on it only doing one thing - making the background for this element black. Future developers can also count on that.

This is the core idea that makes atomic/functional css work. Classes are "immutable" and you can get the same output every time. They're predictable and reliable.


Because classes have a single purpose and you can count on them, they're easier to use together. I can easily put bg:black c:white and be assured that they won't conflict. I can also add p:1 and know that I'm not going to impact color or background color by adding padding.


Choosing sizes has been a never-ending battle. 12px? 13.333px? 14.5px? 15px? and so on. Shed solves this problem by using a modular scale to resolve these conflicts. Shed provides a root size (1rem, don't hijack the browser default) and (by default) 10 steps above and below it. These apply to font size, padding, margin, height, max-width, positioning, border-radius, etc. This removes the need to dwell on sizes and also makes it easy to combine properties in a meaningful ways. For example (decoration added for clarity):

I should be aligned w/ my parent, but my background outside of it on the top and left, and inside on the right.
<div class="pos:r">
    I should be aligned w/ my parent, but my background outside of it on the top and left.

Media Queries

Shed.css is build with mobile-first responsive web design in mind. The media queries available by default are:

You can access them like this:

>I change sizes based on screen resolution</div>


That's great, but I wouldn't want to combine a load of classes every time I need a button. shed suggests solving this problem by moving all of your design language to the template layer. The reasons are multiple:

Give shed a shot - by embracing its constraints, you can get control of your codebase and develop faster.


How does it actually work? Let's start with a simple example:

  Log In

The Classes

While this can be overwhelming at first glance, there is a simple set of rules at play. Let's break down this button into it's pieces:

Once you get moving, these shorthands should feel natural.

Responsive Web Design

What about RWD? shed was build with a mobile-first approach in mind.

black, then blue at small, then blue.5 at md

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this valid CSS?

While it may be unusual to use some of these characters, it is not invalid. As I understand section 4.1.3 of the CSS 2.1 spec on characters and case:

“Identifiers can also contain escaped characters and any ISO 10646 character as a numeric code (see next item). For instance, the identifier "B&W?" may be written as "B&W?" or "B\26 W\3F".”

Is this a new thought?

I haven't seen classnames formatted in this way before, but many of the ideas inside of shed.css were inspired by tachyons, Basscss, More Meaningful Typography, Forcing Immutability in CSS, Functional Programming, CSS, and your sanity, Atomic CSS, and many conversations and bikeshedding sessions.

What does the CSS look like?

When writing class names that have weird characters in them, they must be escaped with a backslash (\). That means something like f:10 has to be authored (in the stylesheet) is like this:

.f\:10 { font-size: var(--z-10); }